Author Archives: impeccableeditor

About impeccableeditor

Writer and freelance editor

brand new or bran new?

Long before brand referred to a company’s manufactured product, a brand was a mark seared with a branding iron (often into the flesh of a living being). Bran is the outer layer (husk) of cereal grain and the products made from it.

Both brand-new and bran-new (meaning “conspicuously new and unused” or “recently introduced”) have been in use for centuries. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, brand-new has been used as an adjective since about 1570. (The dictionary hyphenates both spellings, with bran-new considered a variant of brand-new.)

Some of us remember the song “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag.” (James Brown was awarded a Grammy for Best Rhythm & Blues Recording of 1965). A Brand New Me was an album by Dusty Springfield that featured a song titled (or entitled, if you prefer) “Brand New Me”; it was released in 1970, the same year The Partridge Family released an album with a “Brand New Me” song. Other artists who have recorded songs and albums with “brand new me” in the title include John Michael Montgomery (2000) and Alicia Keys (2012).

By 1791, when the play Wild Oats by John O’Keeffe* was first performed, use of bran new was, well, not new.

bran new example from 1791

Here it is again, in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum**:

bran-new in Baum

Though the first use of bran-new may have been a mistake, both spellings are now considered acceptable.

Even so, I think I’ll stick to brand-new.

* Available online through Project Gutenberg (


Parameters and paradigms

Greek (“beside”)

As a mathematical term, parameter has been in use since the 17th century (geometry). It continues to be used in fields such as statistics, computer programming, and even linguistics. (Encylopedia Brittanica: “Parameters . . . are options that allow for variation in linguistic structure”)

In the 20th century, people started using parameter to mean “a measurable factor which helps to define a particular system.” (Online Etymology Dictionary)

The New Parameters

We must operate within the parameters that have been laid out in the manual.

In its new incarnation, parameters is usually used in the plural (i.e., a “set” of conditions or limitations), rather than in reference to a ceiling, upper limit, or single boundary. (Thus, criterion would be a better choice in a sentence such as: “Customer satisfaction is a useful parameter for evaluating the project’s success.”)

Parameters is often used in reference to matters that are subject to variables and limitations imposed within a range (e.g., financial and policy guidelines).

“The squabbling added to the swirl of public confusion over the parameters of the FBI inquiry and who is setting them.” (Washington Post, September 30, 2018)

This particular FBI “inquiry” needs to be completed by a certain date, but the course of the investigation may change depending upon the facts that are uncovered and where investigators are led in the process. The scope of the investigation is also subject to change in the allotted time period.

A budget is a planning tool. Income and expenses can be estimated, but actual income may be different from what was anticipated, and expenses can be greater or less than expected. In most cases, resources are not unlimited, and adjustments may need to be made as time passes to “balance the budget.”

If fixed boundaries are indicated, parameters is probably not the best choice. A country has borders; a city has limits. (Ever see a sign at the edge of town that says, “City Parameters”?)

While on probation, Maximillian must stay within the confines of the town.

Likewise, a “glass ceiling” is not a parameter; it’s a barrier and a limitation.

“It is not possible within the parameters of one chapter to provide a comprehensive review of this subject.”

Sure, a chapter has a beginning and an end, but a chapter is not a parameter; neither is a book. (Breaking a whole into parts does not a “parameter” make.) Also, the addition of “within the parameters” is superfluous. “A comprehensive review of this subject cannot be provided in one chapter” is enough. Don’t waste words, and don’t use the “almost right” words.

“The commission must act within the parameters of the statute.”

What does that mean? Is the commission “constrained by” requirements set forth in the statute (so it cannot approve a measure it would like to approve)? Is the commission reminding its members that actions must be taken “in accordance with” applicable laws?

Parameter has become a trendy substitute for anything that has a boundary. (cf. perimeter) Be aware, however, that this usage is not universally accepted, and if you are writing for a publication designed for professionals in a particular field (or speaking to them at a conference), you will want to ensure that your use of parameter is accurate.

My advice: If you don’t have a clear understanding of how parameter applies in your situation, don’t use it because you think it sounds important!

Shifting Paradigms

from Late Latin paradigma “pattern, example,”; from Greek paradeigma “pattern, model; precedent, example” (Online Etymology Dictionary)

The same advice goes for paradigm, another word that is very popular and, arguably, overused (especially in reference to a paradigm shift).

In use since the 15th century, paradigm* originally meant a pattern or archetype. With the rise of the scientific method came a new meaning: “a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated.” In recent decades, paradigm has come to mean “a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

In the context of scientific inquiry, paradigm does not refer to a single theory; it is the model or framework that gives rise to theories and hypotheses (which are then tested and confirmed or refuted).

Paradigm is a great word—when it is the right word. Often, however, other words would suit the purpose as well or better.

Since the shooting, my whole paradigm has changed.

Since the shooting, my worldview has changed.
[worldview: “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint”]

Since the shooting, my philosophy has changed.
[philosophy: “the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group”]

Is a legal “doctrine” to now be considered a “paradigm”—or is including “paradigm” in a title good marketing?

click image for full article

With such a confusing title (“paradigm on interplay”??), a reader might hope that the assertion of a “new paradigm” would be explained in the article.

The word paradigm is not mentioned once.

(I suspect it’s not in the court’s opinion, either.)

* Paradigm is also a term the field of linguistics.

its or it’s?

What’s the difference between its and it’s?
A lot!

Its is a possessive pronoun meaning “belonging to it.” (If a pen belongs to Jay, then the pen is his. If a tail belongs to an animal, we can refer to its tail.) As with his, hers, theirs, yours, and ours, no apostrophe is needed for its.

This is mine and that is yours.

My dad let me borrow his car.

This strategy has its drawbacks.

The bike has been returned to its rightful owner.

The species became extinct after its habitat was destroyed.

It’s is a contraction, a shortened form of it is or it has. (Contractions are commonly used in informal speech and writing.)

It’s all been said before, but I’ll say it again.

It’s true. I’m a terrible host.

It’s her fault!

The apostrophe indicates missing letters.

“G’night,” said Marge.

When reading dialogue, we understand that the word “goodnight” is intended by the speaker, who did not fully enunciate the word.

If you are tempted to add an apostrophe to its (or wondering if you need one), ask yourself whether its can be replaced with “it is” or “it has”:

It’s your call.
It is your call.

See if it’s hurt.
See if it is hurt.

It’s all right.
It is all right.

It’s got nothing to do with you.
It has got nothing to do with you.

Don’t pull its tail!
Don’t pull it is tail! X


Commas, apostrophes, and possessive plurals

Notice the placement of the comma (after parents) in the following example:

Incorrect placement of comma and apostrophe

The correct punctuation is:

at her parents’,

However, sometimes the best solution is to rewrite the sentence (especially if you are uncertain about the correct rule).

After spending three months at her parents’ summer house, Jennifer was eager to return to the city.

Similarly, instead of writing:

Jennifer’s mother’s car was a pink Cadillac, and she loved driving it down Main Street.

consider rewriting the sentence without two consecutive possessive nouns (Jennifer’s mother’s) and the personal pronoun (she):

Jennifer’s mother drove a pink Cadillac, and Jennifer often borrowed it (with or without her mother’s permission) to cruise Main Street.

Don’t let incorrect punctuation muddy your writing. With a little effort, your brilliance can shine through!


In English, contractions are often used in informal speech and writing. (Minimize your use of contractions in formal documents, especially when clarity of terms is essential, such as in a contract or other legal document.)

Whether you are sending an email or text to a friend or associate or writing dialogue for an article or story, the use of slang, jargon, acronyms, abbreviations—and contractions—suggests a casualness that may or may not be appropriate, depending upon the impression you wish to make (e.g., “we’re colleagues and speak the same language”) and the context (e.g., you are quoting a source who said, “He’s a ne’er-do-well.”)

When forming a contraction, an apostrophe is often used in place of missing letters. Common contractions include:

I’m (I am)
you’re (you are)
he’ll (he will or he shall)
she’s (she is or she has)
we’d (we would or we had)
let’s (let us)
can’t (cannot)
shouldn’t (should not)
won’t (will not)
who’d (who had, who would)

It’s up to You

Compare: “Here is the report you asked for.”
“Here’s the report you wanted.”

The difference is slight, but the first sentence sounds more formal and “professional,” whereas the second is more casual. Neither is incorrect, but each will convey a different tone and sentiment.

(Note that if you are sending an email with an attachment, you might write “Here’s my bill” to a regular customer—but you would never say “Attached’s my bill” or “Attach’d is my bill.” Not all words are suitable for shortening!)

In dialogue, however, anything goes. Many people misuse language, so if you are creating a character who is from a particular region or country (or planet!), craft dialogue that reflects the character’s age, education, and situation. (A person who is stressed and rushed will speak and behave differently from a college professor delivering a lecture.)

“I ain’t goin’ and you cain’t make me.” [I am not going, and you cannot force me to go.]

“Who’da thought she’d go for him?” [Who would have thought she would be interested in him?]

As with the contractions noted earlier in this post, an apostrophe is used to indicate that letters are missing.

“Supposin’ I was ta ask you to the dance. What d’ya reckon your answer’d be?”

As slang and colloquial words and expressions catch on, alternative spellings become common:

“Well whaddya know! It worked.” [Well, what do you know? It worked!]

“Whatcha doin’?” [What are you doing?]

In all writing, avoid contractions if they are ambiguous and can be misread. As noted above, some contractions, such as I’d, can have more than one meaning (I would, I had). Don’t create extra work for your reader; if the meaning is not readily apparent, use the complete words.

I have previously written about the misuse of of when have is meant in contractions such as would’ve (I would have). Double contractions are especially messy and are best avoided. (I’d’ve for I would have)

Shoulda known better

Expressions creep into our vocabulary that we come to accept as “normal,” but what is considered “normal” speech in a professional setting is not the same as what is “normal” for a kid hanging out in the schoolyard. In your writing and your speech, take a moment to think about the words you are using. Are you actually saying what you believe you are saying?

“I could care less.”

The usual point people are trying to make when they misuse this expression is that they don’t care. (The correct wording, “I couldn’t care less,” means you care so little that “less than zero” is not caring at all: if you don’t care (at all), then you can’t care “less.”) But if you could care “less,” then what you are actually saying is that you do care; there’s room for you to care “less.”

In some situations, saying “I don’t care” outright would be even ruder than the flip “I couldn’t care less.” Soften your tone as appropriate with a reply such as “I don’t have a preference” if asked for your input, or “Whatever you decide to do is fine with me” when informed of someone’s plans.

Of and have

Don’t use the preposition of as an auxiliary verb in place of have:

“I could of sworn I paid that bill!” X

“I could have sworn I paid that bill!”

“I must of left my hat at the theater.” X

“I must have left my hat at the theater.”

“I should of known he’d turn out to be a loser.” X

“I should have known he’d turn out to be a loser.”

“I might of gone if I’d known she would be there.” X

“I might have gone if I’d known she would be there.”

What about dialogue?

The dialogue you write for a character in a work of fiction must sound natural, but what constitutes “natural” will depend on the character’s age, level of education, personality, and experience, as well as the setting. A writer must carefully tailor the speech of each character, thereby adding a distinctive style to dialogue (or narrative). Grammatical correctness is not the primary consideration; however, a balance must be struck between readability and originality.*

In the case of have/of, consider using the letter a (short for have) instead of the word of when writing dialogue for a character who is hanging out in the schoolyard:

“I woulda finished school but my father kicked me outta** the house when I was fifteen. I had to work to eat.”

“I’da been dead meat if you hadn’t come along when you did.”

Contractions also add informality:

“She’d have told you if you’d asked.” (Instead of “She would have told you if you had asked.”)

“You could’ve called.” (Instead of “You could have called.”)

* There are, of course, exceptions—like Finnegans Wake, or Mammy’s dialect in Gone with the Wind. (Have you read either?)

** Outta can also be spelled “outa” (which would make more sense, as “out” has only one t, but is rarely used). An apostrophe can also be used to shorten of:

It’s out o’ this world!
He’s out o’ luck.

And if you are curious about the Irish surnames that begin with O’ you might enjoy this article.

exes and x’s

When referring to letters of the alphabet as letters (e.g., the i in italics), an apostrophe is often used to form the plural:

Impeccable is spelled with two c‘s.”

For capital letters, an apostrophe is not always needed:

“Jay has been learning his ABCs.”

Thus, the following sentence can be written with or without apostrophes:

For my final grades, I received three As and two Bs.

For my final grades, I received three A’s and two B’s.

Neither style is “incorrect,” but be consistent! (Don’t write: For my final grades, I received three A’s and two Bs.)

Check with the style guide your employer or publisher uses, or, if you are writing about people or organizations—or teams—follow their preference:

The Oakland Coliseum is home to the Oakland A’s. (not the Oakland As.)

As with letters, an apostrophe may or may not be needed when forming the plural of numerals; the choice, again, depends on which style guide is followed. (The style used for newspapers and magazines may differ from book publishing, for example.)

I counted six 1s and five 2s.

I counted six 1’s and five 2’s.

Just as numbers can be written as numerals (1, 2, 3) or spelled out as words (one, two, three), the names of letters are sometimes spelled out:

The ex should be printed in red. (The x should be printed in red.)

The Brits prefer zed to zee.

(Oh, however, would refer to zero: “We beat them, six–oh.”)

The plural of o is o’s or os.

Recording artist and album title

In general, apostrophes are not used when forming the plural of words or acronyms:

I counted six ones and five twos.

The store sells used CDs and DVDs.

The boos drowned out the cheers.

My exes are all remarried now.

I was surrounded by oohs and aahs as I set up my tripod to photograph the fireworks.

Entrepreneurs (and record companies) don’t always get the punctuation right when choosing the names of their businesses (and albums). Compare:


The second, Oohs and Aahs, is correct—no apostrophe required.

But what if Ooh and Aah are the names of the owners?

Then the correct punctuation would be:

“I’ll meet you at Ooh and Aah’s.”

(See my previous post about compound possession.)


“John’s and Mary’s” or “John and Mary’s”?

Before I discuss the possessive form (or case), let’s review a few grammatical terms and rules.

A compound subject has two or more subjects:

Susan, Terri, and Samantha share a flat.
and beets are root vegetables.

Similarly, a compound object has two or more objects:

I will call the director and the assistant director tomorrow.
I ate nuts and berries for breakfast.

Compound nouns (lampshade, footstool, housewife, cupboard, real estate) are formed by combining two or more words. (Usually at least one of the words is a noun.)

Some compounds are open (there is a space between the words: ice cream, school bus, life jacket, middle class, hot dog). Others are hyphenated (six-pack, two-year-old, well-being, mother-in-law). Closed compounds (football, birthday, bedroom, notebook) omit the space or hyphen. The spelling can remain in flux for a long time as a language evolves, with disagreement about which version is all right (alright?). Also, as conventions sometimes differ by region, profession, and country (e.g., the spelling of color/colour in the US/UK), you may see northwest as well as north west, and northwestern as well as north-western.

A plural noun is formed in different ways; the simplest is by adding an s:


Exceptions abound, and other rules may apply if the noun ends in ch, f, fe, o, s, sh, ss, x, y, z, us, is, or on (e.g., witches, thieves, wives, gases, dishes, misses, oxen, parties, quizzes, viruses, crises, criteria).

For words ending in o, -es is often added to form the plural (heroes and potatoes) but not always (pianos) and, often, either form is acceptable (stilettos, stilettoes). Then there are the words that stay the same whether they are singular or plural (sheep, series) and the irregular nouns (foot/feet; woman/women). (A complete discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this post.)

Don’t confuse the plural with the possessive!

The witches hatched a plan. (plural)
The witch’s brew was delightful. (possessive)
The witches’ plan backfired. (plural and possessive)

Use the possessive form to indicate ownership or possession:

My tooth aches.
Harry’s job is difficult.
Linda’s husband is out of town.
His boss’s schedule is insane.
Your daughter’s performance was impressive.

For most singular nouns, the possessive is formed by adding apostrophe s (‘s). The same is usually true for nouns referring to groups of people (states, countries, organizations, and associations):

New York’s housing crisis is worse than Boston’s.
Georgia’s governor declared a state of emergency.
England’s currency is the same as Scotland’s.
The school’s future is in doubt.
The company’s profile can be found on the website.
The firm’s clients include celebrities and politicians.

Buildings and objects are not considered “owners” in the same way that people and pets are. Compare:

The dog’s leg is broken.

I’ll meet you in the hotel lobby. (not “the hotel’s lobby”)

The view from the restaurant is spectacular. (rather than “The restaurant’s view is spectacular”)

As with the last example, above, a sentence is sometimes best rewritten to avoid using an apostrophe s:

The exterior of the building is being restored. (instead of “The building’s exterior is being restored”)

No definitive rule governs inanimate objects, however, and some constructions using apostrophe s are common and acceptable.

The car’s features include heated seats and a navigation system.
but not
Don’t slam the car’s door! (car door)

Thus, you are likely to encounter both:

The terms of the agreement clearly prohibit such transfers.
The agreement’s terms clearly allow such transfers.

The wine’s flavor will be affected by its age.
The color of the wine remained unchanged.

For plural nouns, only an apostrophe is added when the noun ends in s:

the secretaries’ strike
the workers’ plan
the musicians’ concert

When the plural noun does not end in s, as in people or children, add an apostrophe and an s:

people’s court (not peoples’ or peoples’s)
children’s playground (not childrens’ or childrens’s)

For hyphenated compound nouns, an apostrophe and an s are usually added at the end of the word :

Tomorrow is my son-in-law’s birthday.
Today is my two-year-old son’s birthday.

If you need to indicate possession for a plural compound noun (e.g., daughters-in-law or attorneys general), you will usually be better off with “The group of daughters-in-law was created to provide support for women with difficult in-laws” instead of “The daughters-in-law’s group was created to provide support . . . “

Similarly, instead of:

The annual attorneys general’s conference has been scheduled.


The annual conference of attorneys general has been scheduled.

(Note that a conference of generals would be a “generals’ conference,” but the plural form of attorney general is attorneys general. A group started by your daughter-in-law would be your “daughter-in-law’s group.”)

Forming the possessive with a compound subject or compound object

Question: If Tim and Joe are brothers and you are going to visit them, do you say, “I’m going to Tim’s and Joe’s house” or “I’m going to Tim and Joe’s house” or “I’m going to Tim’s and Joe’s houses”?

Answer: If Tim and Joe live in the same house, only one apostrophe s is needed. (Tim and Joe’s house)

If Tim and Joe live separately and you are going to two houses, the possessive form would be applied to each of them. (Tim’s and Joe’s houses)

Try substituting their for “Tim and Joe”: “I’m going to their house” (if they live together) or “I’m going to their (two) houses” (if they live separately). In common parlance, people often say things like, “I’m going over to Tim’s and then I might stop by Joe’s place.”

In the sentence “Trish walked to Tim’s store and Joe’s house,” Trish is the subject, walked is the verb, to is a preposition, and the compound object is Tim’s store and Joe’s house. The apostrophe rule is the same for compound subjects. (Trish’s hair and Tina’s makeup looked great.)

John and Mary’s religion is really strange. (John and Mary share the same religion)

John’s and Mary’s beliefs are very different from mine. (John’s beliefs and Mary’s beliefs are not the same; their beliefs differ from my beliefs)


The correct use of bring and brought

I have noted before that songwriters sometimes choose words they like the sound of, even if their usage is not grammatically correct. (Fans usually forgive them!) Neil Diamond’s 1972 song “Play Me” is another example in this category:

“Song she sang to me,
Song she brang to me”

(You can see from the next two lines why the songwriter wanted to maintain the rhyme here:)

“Words that rang in me
Rhyme that sprang from me”

Why is brang objectionable? The past tense of the verb to bring (“I’ll bring the wine when I come for dinner next week.”) is brought:

Thinking of him brought a smile to my face.

She brought me the perfect gift.

Perhaps the confusion arises, in part, because ring, rang, and rung are the correct forms of the verb to ring.

“Ring the bell and I’ll come out.”

I rang the bell, but no one answered.

I regretted it immediately. I had rung that bell one time too many.

People don’t always use proper English when they converse, and written dialogue mirrors the way people talk. Poets and songwriters can be forgiven for fudging a bit when attempting to find the right word that rhymes or fits the cadence of their work. Writers are free to express themselves in whatever ways they choose; incorrect usage, when effective, won’t prevent a song (or poem or novel) from becoming popular. Consider:

“Ain’t No Sunshine” (Bill Withers)

“Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” (The Police, lyrics by Sting) (“Everything she do just turns me on”)

Of course, some forced rhymes come off sounding ridiculous (to my ear):

“When you cheated girl, my heart bleeded* girl” (“What Goes Around… Comes Around,” Justin Timberlake)

(I don’t think I’d have appreciated the song as a tween, either.)

Tip: Brang and brung are not standard English words; do not use them in formal writing or as a substitute for bring. If you use them at all (e.g., if they reflect the dialect of the region your character is from), use them for the past and past participle forms of to bring.

“He brang it to my house.” (“He brought it to my house.”)

“I weren’t brung up that way.” (I wasn’t brought up that way.”)

“I brung ya yer lunch.” (“I brought you your lunch.”)

“I’da brung ye some bread if I’d know’d ye wuz out.” (“I would have brought you some bread if I’d known you were out.”)

*And in case you’re wondering, the past tense of bleed is bled: She bled all over the table.

bring or take?

The verbs bring and take are used in a variety of ways, as the following examples show:

“Take it back!”

“I’ll bring this right back.”

“I’ll bring it up at the next meeting.”

“Take it up with the manager.”

“I forgot to take my meds.”

“I forgot to bring my swimsuit.”

“Would you please bring me my sweater?”

“I plan to take a vacation soon.”

Summer weather brings mosquitoes.

“I’ll take a chance and ask her out.”

“Can I bring a friend?”

“Take this package down the hall to Mr. Burke.”

“Did you bring the gift?”

“I’m going to take out a loan so I can expand my business.”

“Take a tip from Will: don’t borrow or lend money!”

The victim chose not to bring charges against her assailant.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

We take stock, take advantage, and take action. We bring a lawsuit, bring up the rear, and bring news.

You wouldn’t say:

Take the water to a boil. (Bring the water to a boil.)


“Bring Myrtle, for example; she’s never the center of attention, but she doesn’t complain.” (“Take Myrtle, for example . . .”)

(Not in the U.S., anyway!)

Both verbs can describe an act of coming or going to (or causing something or someone to come or go to) a place. The choice depends upon the perspective of the speaker or the focus of the action.

“Take this note to your teacher [when you go to school tomorrow].”

“Let’s take a bottle of wine to the picnic [when we go there].”

“Will you be bringing your own computer [when you come] to the class?”

In general, bring suggests that the person or thing comes to the place where the speaker is located (or goes along with the speaker or subject); take suggests that the person or thing goes somewhere else, away from where the speaker (or subject) is located. (Take something there; bring something here.) However, regional differences in usage apply, and both of the following sentences are correct:

“I think I will bring a fruit salad [with me] to the potluck.”

“I plan to take a fruit salad [when I go] to the potluck.”

Similar considerations arise with come and go. Note that we speak of going to a location, but a person (or thing) comes with us when we go somewhere.

“Can I come with you when you go to see Susan?” [you are going and I want to come along]

“Can I go with you to the concert?” [we’ll both go, together]

“I’ll be going to the prom with Sally.” [I’m taking Sally]

“Sam is coming with me to the party.” [I’m bringing Sam]

Let’s look again at the earlier example about a note for the teacher.

Take this note to your teacher [when you go to school tomorrow].”

“I’ll bring this note to your teacher [the note will come with me] when I take you to school tomorrow.”

More examples of bring and take:

Bring our boys home from the front!

“Don’t forget to take the dog for a walk.”

“I’ll bring the photos with me when I come to see you next week.”

“Please take the trash out to the dumpster.”

“Bring it here, boy!”

“Take the fight outside, please!”

“Bring me a sandwich from the deli.”

“I have to take my mother to the airport.”

“You can bring me the check when you have a moment.”

“Please take away these empty glasses.”

“Take an umbrella [when you go out]; the forecast calls for rain.”

“I think I’ll bring an umbrella [with me when I go out].”

“Carlos will bring [with him] signed copies of his new book.”

“Be sure and take the flyers with you [when you go]!”

The distinction can be subtle.

“Take this with you for good luck.” (You are going somewhere, and you will carry an object with you.)

“Bring this with you when you come to the store.” (I’d like you to carry the object with you; I’ll be at the store when you arrive.)

“Sheila always brings her son to rehearsals.” (I’m at the rehearsals too.)

“Sheila takes her son everywhere.” (I don’t accompany them everywhere they go.)

“I’m bringing your grandchildren for a visit.” (We’re all coming to where you are.)

“I’m taking the boys to a game.” (We’re going without you.)

“You should bring Lydia some flowers; she’d like that.” (If you are not going in person, you would send flowers.)

“Take some flowers for Lydia.” (I have assembled a bouquet from my garden and am giving it to you to carry away.)

“I’ll take some flowers for Lydia,” Lyle says as he cuts the stems. (He will carry the flowers away from my house.)

“I’ll bring these to the hospital,” Lyle says. (He will carry the flowers with him.)

“Jake always takes work home.” (Jake and I share an office.)

“Jake always brings work home.” (Jake is my husband.)

“Stephanie will take her daughter to Mexico next year.” (We’re all in the U.S.)

“Stephanie will bring her daughter to Mexico next year.” (I’m in Mexico.)

If the location of the speaker (or the direction of movement) is unknown or irrelevant, use whichever verb fits your purpose—or rewrite the sentence:

“Stephanie and her daughter will travel to Mexico next year.”



bizarre and bazaar

These two words might sound similar when spoken, but they are spelled very differently (and, of course, they mean very different things).

A bazaar (noun) is a market where goods and services are bought and sold. The word derives from the Persian bāzār and can, in modern times, refer to a department store or a fair (“especially for charitable purposes”). It came into English in the sixteenth century from the Italian bazarra.

“I bought a beautiful rug at a bazaar in Afghanistan.”

Bizarre, an adjective meaning “fantastical, odd, grotesque,” came into English from the French bizarre in the seventeenth century. The French word had been borrowed from the Italian bizarro, which had come to mean “strange, weird.” (See

Bizarre markings were found on the animals, who all died of mysterious causes over the course of six months.

In conclusion:

“I found this bizarre hat at the church bazaar.”



Typos. They creep into our writing when we aren’t paying attention. Even reputable sites sometimes contain errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Granted, gobsmacked is not a word that is often used by Americans, but mistakes can occur both when you are in unfamiliar territory (you don’t know what you don’t know) and when you are in familiar territory (you assume that what you’ve always done/said/heard is correct).

Problems arise when we believe we know the answer and we are mistaken. We make assertions that are, well, incorrect. We don’t bother to consult a dictionary or trusted source, because we’re sure we are right. Then, our ignorance shows and our credibility suffers.

A quick search for “nitch” on Google would have shown the correct word (niche):

Wiktionary’s entry would also alert you to the “misspelling”:

If you are a piano player looking for gigs, you might not miss out on opportunities if you are a poor speller. If, however, you are an editor, publisher, ghost writer, attorney, accountant, or professional working in a field where accuracy and attention to detail are important, errors in your books, correspondence, and websites can create an unfavorable impression.

Even the most careful writers (and editors!) overlook errors from time to time, but when you are paying for expert advice, you don’t expect to find documents riddled with mistakes.

And if you do, you may be wise to take your business elsewhere.

homo and hetero

Have I got your attention?

No, this post is not about sexual preferences; it’s about the prefixes homo and hetero, which derive from the Greek homos (“one and the same”) and heteros (“other”). Thus, homogenize means to make uniform or “the same” throughout, whereas something that is heterogeneous consists of dissimilar elements or parts.

The prefix homo, used in words such as homoerotic and homophobia, differs from the Latin homo, which refers to a genus of primate mammals of the Hominidae family that includes modern humans (H. sapiens) and several extinct related species (such as H. erectus and H. habilis). (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) (Homo legalis (or legalis homo) is a “lawful” person who has not been deprived of any rights.1)

Homophones are words that are pronounced alike but differ “in meaning or derivation or spelling,” such as rap and wrap.

Homonyms are spelled and pronounced the same but differ in meaning.

“Turn right at the next street.”
“You are right and I am wrong.”

“You lie!”
“Don’t just lie there!”

Heterographs are words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently; homographs are spelled the same but have different meanings. Thus, the words bare (adjective; a bare cupboard) and bear (verb; bear right at the fork in the road) are homophones and heterographs; bear (noun; a bear in the woods) and bear (verb; bear a burden) are homonyms, homographs, and homophones.

If you are unsure about the correct usage, spelling, or meaning of a word, take a moment to look it up before pressing the “send” or “publish” button!

1 – Legal definitions change over time, as laws change and rights (e.g., to own property, to serve on a jury) are recognized—or not—for different classifications (based on race, gender, age, etc.) of people. The age of majority, for example, can be different for different purposes (such as purchasing or publicly consuming alcoholic beverages, enlisting in the military, or voting) or in different jurisdictions. Rights can also be lost, as happens when someone is convicted of a felony.

taut and taught

These two words sound alike, but taught and taut have different meanings. Taut is an adjective meaning tense or tight. Taught is the past (and past participle) form of the verb teach.


(adjective): “The ad promised that the face cream would make my skin smooth and taut.”
Her nerves were taut as she awaited the results.


(verb): “She taught me everything I know about photography.”
“I have been taught by renowned experts in the field.


Taut is similar to tight (“Pull the rope taut.”)

The past tense of teach is NOT “teached.”

“He teached me how to play stickball.” X

“He taught me how to play stickball.”


Natives of U.S. States

What do you call a resident of the State of Michigan? Why, a Michiganian, of course!

The U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual lists the proper designation for natives of the fifty states in the United States.

For six states, the suffix –er is attached to the state’s name:

  • Connecticuter
  • Mainer
  • Marylander
  • New Yorker
  • Rhode Islander
  • Vermonter

For three states, the designation ends in -ite:

  • New Hampshirite
  • Wisconsinite
  • Wyomingite

All others end in –n. Examples include:

  • Coloradan
  • Indianian
  • Louisianian
  • Massachusettsan
  • Ohioan
  • Utahn

Inhabitants of other places around the globe have some interesting names, among them:

Glasgow: Glaswegian

Liverpool: Liverpudlian in common parlance (but Liverpolitan may make a comeback) See:

Johannesburg: Johannesburgers

Residents of a town in Austria are Fuckingers, and I don’t even want to think about how to refer to the locals in Muckanaghederdauhaulia, Ireland! (I do, however, want to know what the good townspeople of Humpty Doo, Australia call themselves. (Humpty Doodles? Anyone?)


GPO Style Manual, 5.23.

Does a title need to be in italics when mentioned in dialogue?

Most style manuals will tell you to italicize the title of a book or a motion picture in text or notes—but what about dialogue? Should a title also be italicized when a character mentions it?



“We’re going to see the latest Star Wars flick. Would you like to come?”

* * *

“You remind me of that character Meg Ryan played in When Harry Met Sally,” Steve said.

“You mean Sally?”

Steve nodded.

“You think I fake orgasms?”

“No, I think you’re high maintenance!”

* * *

“Let’s go get something to eat.”

“Can’t. I’m on a roll.”

“You’ve been working on that every weekend for the past two months. What are you writing, War and Peace?”

“No, The Great Catsby.”


naked prose

Writers are frequently admonished to avoid the use of clichés. (Some writers, such as Ernest Hemingway, eschew flowery descriptions and favor simple, unadorned prose.)

Non-native speakers may be confused by phrases such as “The ball’s in your court” or “It’s raining cats and dogs,” idiomatic expressions that are understood figuratively.

Some of these phrases once had a literal meaning. “Pull out all the stops,” for example, pertains to the pipe organ, which produces a louder sound when all the stops (knobs) are pulled out.

Phrases that become well known over time can be used to quickly create an effect:

“For this event, we need to pull out all the stops,” the CEO told his advisors.

A careful writer, however, will avoid overused phrases such as “Take my advice with a grain of salt.”

As phrases get passed on orally, distortions and variations frequently occur. Both butt naked and buck naked have been used to describe a person who is naked; both will likely continue to be used as slang, which is, by definition, “nonstandard.”

Most people wear clothes outside of their own households, so the sight of someone unclothed is likely to elicit remarks.

Here’s an interesting explanation for the phrase “naked as a jaybird.” (Why, one might ask, would a bird be considered “naked”?)

Stark (complete, total, absolute; bare) naked and plumb naked are other common choices. (One meaning of plumb is “absolutely”.)

If you are writing fiction, you are free to invent your own colorful phrases that fit the character or setting. For nonfiction, a descriptive adverb such as completely (or totally) naked works fine.

And if you are a minimalist writer, as Hemingway was, “naked” pretty well (un)covers it!

mantel or mantle?

A mantel is a shelf above a fireplace.*

Mantle can be a noun or a verb and has a variety of meanings. Most commonly, mantle is used to refer to a cloak (as a garment or as “a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority”) or to the part of the earth’s interior that lies beneath the crust.

The mantle is approximately 1,800 miles thick and makes up 84% of the planet’s total volume. (National Geographic Society)

Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet is about the Russian writer and philosopher.

When she withdrew her mantle, I saw that her shoulders were bare.

Finally, a woman has taken on the mantle of leadership.

Mantle can also mean “something that covers, enfolds, or envelops.”

A mantle of snow covered the ground.

Our vision obscured by the thick mantle of smoke, we crept along the ground until we reached safety.

If you are a baseball fan, remember Mickey Mantle, the New York Yankee who was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974:

The Mick wore the mantle of success with pride.


*Mantel can also mean “a beam, stone, or arch serving as a lintel to support the masonry above a fireplace” and “the finish around a fireplace,” but most references will be to the shelf above a fireplace. (Mantle is a variant spelling, but mantel is preferred.)


lead or led?

The past tense (and past participle) of the verb lead is led. Lead is often used (incorrectly) as the past tense, perhaps because the noun lead is pronounced the same way as the verb led—except when it’s not! Confused yet? Read on!

lead (noun, pronounced “led”)

Exposure to lead can be very harmful to young children.

The core of a “lead” pencil does not contain lead—but the painted wood might!*

Many lead pipes are being replaced with copper.

lead (noun, pronounced “leed”)

“The boss wants you to take the lead on this project.”

“Mary got the lead in the school play.”

Related: lead (adjective, pronounced “leed”)

“Barry is the lead singer of the Phobias.”

“The lead story in today’s paper will be of interest to aspiring screenwriters.”

lead (verb, pronounced “leed”)

“Mark will lead the discussion on Wednesday.”

“Lead the way!”

“Don’t lead me on.”

led (past tense and past participle of the verb to lead)

The suspect led investigators to the body.

“One thing led to another and before I knew it, I had a ring on my finger.”

“She’s been led astray.”

“Sharon has led this company for twenty years.”

Mistakes are easily made when we are in a hurry. For important matters, take time to proofread your work.

An investigation is underway to uncover the systems malfunctions that lead to this disaster. X

* See

desert and dessert

Don’t confuse a geographical region (desert) with the final course of a meal (dessert) or the act of desertion!


(noun): The desert is uninhabited.

We found an oasis in the desert.

(adjective): The desert climate is harsh.

The desert island provided a temporary haven.

(verb): If you desert now, you will be marked a traitor.

You cannot desert your friend in her time of need.


(noun): Dessert was the highlight of the evening.

The dessert was sweet and rich.

(A term such as dessert wine is considered as a unit, so “dessert” here is not an adjective. In fact, dessertspoon is written as one word.)

Note: The expression “just deserts ” (what is deserved) is not spelled ‘desserts’–unless, of course, it’s the name of a business that only sells sweet treats!